Project "Kalich" - The intelligent IRC bot

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I'm not dead...yet
August 14th, 2002

I seem to be dead, but I'm not. Just awfully busy...
A year has passed since last release, and I just had to post something :)

So here:
  • Hopefully, an update release will be out soon, with an example AI database (as been requested by few)
  • While on the subject of AI databases... You're more than welcome to send me YOUR databases, if you don't mind sharing them. If I get some databases I'll open a "Databases" section on the site and put all your databases there, available for download, so everyone can enjoy some cool "bot personalities"
  • A new, experimental self learning AI engine (codename KuchaGvna) is in final testing and hopefully will be released soon too
  • If you're using Project "Kalich" scripts on your bot, or an author of a similar or a related project, and you want a link to your website/irc channel site/whatever, to appear here - feel free to email me. All requests will be considered :)
That's about it, for now. Stay tuned...

P.S: For all of you who tried to contact me and got no answer - sorry :)
Had serveral technical issues, including being completely offline for a while... Now I'm back and I promise, that no message from now on shall remain unanswered :)

0.05 Released!
August 16th, 2001

Changes in this release:

New AI features added
  • Priority keywords
    First character of "!" in keywords gives keywords high priority.
    Refer to the AI documentation for details.

  • Variables in phrases
    Meanwhile it's just %r - When you teach the bot a phrase with %r, the %r will be replaced with a random nick from the channel. More variables will be added in the next release.
    For suggestsions of additional variables that you think may be of use, feel free to email the author.
    Refer to the AI documentation for details.
Critical bug in the Toolz section fixed:
  • All the procedures that were using cleanargs (unban, op, deop, voice, devoice, mode, part, help etc.) didn't work properly with many bot configurations. Therefore, cleanargs and everything connected to it was removed.
    Now works with all configurations.

0.04 Released!
August 5th, 2001

Small but rather annoying bugs were fixed in the AI section.
Get it.

0.03 Released!
July 31st, 2001

Various small bugs were fixed in this release, along with a couple of new features added:
  • The AI phrase database is now searchable, for easy finding what phrase belongs to what type
  • The time before users are AutoCleaned is now easily adjustable (configured in toolz.tcl)
  • TimeOn counter time is now configurable to prevent slowdowns on bots with large user databases (configured in statistic.tcl)
  • Online help updated

  • And more...
Also, the web manual section is now complete.

Web site launched
July 22nd, 2001

Project "Kalich" web site finally launched.
The site contains general information about the project and an operation manual for all the script sections.
Some sections on the site are not complete yet, so check back later for those.
Site design borrowed from OSWD.

0.02 Released
July 22nd, 2001

As expected, the initial release was full of nasty bugs and glitches, especially the AI section.
So here's a fixup release.

Initial release
July 20th, 2001

After about a year of active development, Project "Kalich" was finally released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Initial public response:
    <NetHunter> L3ECH: Not every day one of the best bots in IRC history gets released to the world
    <NetHunter> L3ECH: Dude, you own.
    <NetHunter> L3ECH: Amazing job.

(C) 2002, L3ECH